Planning An Open House To Sell Your Home? 4 Tips To Get Your Bathrooms Ready For Inspection

Posted on: 24 June 2017

If you're trying to sell your home, and your realtor has recommended an open house, make sure you're ready for the big day. One of the first things you need to do is make sure your home has plenty of curb appeal. After all, it's the front of your home that will provide your guests with their first impression of your home. Once you've taken care of the curb-appeal, it's time to head inside. One room that's often overlooked is the bathroom. Unfortunately, overlooking the bathroom while you're preparing for the open house, could leave potential buyers with the wrong impression of your home. Here are four suggestions for getting your bathroom ready for inspection:

Clear the Counters

When prospective buyers tour your home, they want to be able to envision their belongings in your space. That can be difficult when they see your belongings all over the bathroom counters. While you're preparing for the open house, make sure you remove all your belongings from the bathroom counters, including all your personal hygiene items. Give prospective buyers a clear view of the bathroom sink and vanity.

Put Out the Guest Towels

When it comes to planning an open house, it's important to remember that the prospective buyers will be guests in your home. When you're getting your bathroom ready for the big day, put your everyday bath towels away, and bring out the guest towels; the ones you save for your special guests. After all, one of your guests that day may end up being the one that buys your home. Let them know they're special by bringing out the fresh towels. If you don't have guest towels, purchase a set that you keep on reserve for open houses and individual tours.

Do a Thorough Cleaning

When you're preparing for your open house, remember that prospective buyers are probably going to inspect every inch of your home, including the toilets and the showers. The last thing you want is for them to find soap scum in the showers and hard water stains in the toilets. Before the open house begins, make sure you do a thorough cleaning to get rid of all the soap scum and hard water stains.

Install New Light Bulbs

If you can't remember the last time you changed the light bulbs in the bathrooms, take the time to change them now. Prospective buyers will want to see clearly when they inspect the bathrooms. Not only that, but if the lights don't work in your bathroom, those prospective buyers may leave your home wondering if the bulbs were burnt out, or if the lighting fixtures didn't work. Don't take chances. Make sure the light bulbs are fresh.

Now that you're trying to sell your home, use the tips provided here to make sure your open house is a success. Contact a realtor that specializes in selling single family homes for more information and assistance. 
