What To Look For In A Commercial Space Before You Sign A Lease
Posted on: 29 April 2021
If you are a business owner and you have gotten to the point in your career where you need a large commercial office space, you may wonder where to even begin. By hiring a commercial real estate agent, they can ensure that you get exactly what you want for a reasonable price. Here are a few different things that you will want to consider before you sign a lease.
Proximity to the Freeway or Main Roads
Location is everything when it comes to residential real estate and commercial real estate really is no exception. The last thing that you want is to have potential clients or customers driving around for hours just to find your office building. Before you lease a commercial real estate building, make sure that it is either really close to the freeway or that it's off of some main roads; that way you know it's easy for everyone to get there. Having an easily accessible office space will also make your company more appealing to new hires as well; after all, convenience is just about everything in the workplace these days.
Easily Customizable
When you move into a new commercial space, you should be able to design it and reconfigure things just the way that you want them. Whether you are moving into a brand new space or you are moving into an existing space, having the ability to paint, put up or take down non-load bearing walls, and change the flooring is a must. In fact, you may even find some commercial leasing spaces that will give you some money to put towards customizing the space so that you don't have to pay for certain things out of pocket.
Long Term Leases
The last thing you want to do is have to relocate your business every couple of years. Not only does relocating cost a ton of money, but it is also a huge headache. And, if you keep moving repeatedly, you may look financially unstable to outsiders. Make sure that you get a long-term lease agreement in writing and that you know all of the details such as whether or not your rent will increase and if they can kick you out before the lease agreement is up.
Other Renters in the Building
Another thing to keep in mind when you're looking at other spaces is the other companies that are going to be renting from you. Do they have similar clientele? Are they planning on staying there long term? Are they going to be doing any sort of large remodeling that's noisy and dirty? These are all good things to know about before you enter into a lease agreement.
To learn more about retail commercial real estate for lease in your area, contact a commercial real estate service.